How Much Do You Really Know About Silverfish In Tracy?

Silverfish on ground

Few home-invading pests look as alien as silverfish, but they are indeed from this planet and are one of the most common household pests. They survive best in parts of the world where coastal air keeps things cool and moist. Since the vast majority of the population lives on or near coastlines, nearly everybody has to worry about silverfish. Understanding more about these strange, armored insects will put you a step ahead on prevention measures.

What Harm Can Silverfish Cause?

Their name is a bit of a misnomer since the little crawlers aren’t fish at all. They were originally named that way due to their wiggling walk that mimics the way fish swim. However, these gray or silver critters are part of the insect family. While they like humid or wet areas, they aren’t swimmers, and they aren’t predators. They eat starchy or sugary foods and don’t bite people or pets.

As such, these pests aren’t of the dangerous variety, but they can still cause plenty of headaches:

  • Food contamination: As they roam around in search of sustenance, they track their germs all over food items and the countertops where they may be stored or prepared.

  • Damage: They can also damage fibrous household items that they can chew on such as paper files, books, and cardboard. 

  • Creepy: If these things aren’t reason enough to want them out, silverfish’s insect-like appearance and creepy method of crawling just make people uneasy in general.

Where Do Silverfish Hide?

Silverfish are good at remaining undetected or retreating to the difficult-to-reach parts of a home, which makes them extremely difficult to get rid of. Silverfish can live undetected inside your home for weeks. They tend to live in secluded areas. Below are places where silverfish commonly hide as well as precautions you can take to keep these pests away.

  • Dark, moist areas: Anywhere that lacks light and provides ample moisture is a beacon for silverfish. Basements, bathrooms, and kitchens all fit the bill, and these critters will hide in cabinets, under containers, and in piles of laundry to avoid detection. Ways to curb moisture buildup in these areas, like with proper ventilation, are a responsible measure for pest control, as well as proper pipe maintenance.

  • Storage areas: Silverfish also live in areas where lots of boxes or containers provide ample hiding space. Reducing clutter in these areas will give silverfish fewer areas to hide in wait.

  • Nocturnal scavengers: Silverfish typically only come out at night, so that’s when you’re most likely to spot them. This is why it’s important to be on top of prevention measures and household maintenance. Deep cleaning for crumbs and spills, including the areas underneath appliances and in corners that you don’t normally reach, will curb pest attractants.

Look For The ProActive Solution

Containing a silverfish infestation can feel like a losing battle. There are dozens of unproven stories about the best way to get rid of these common pests, but the best, proven method is to turn to the professionals. Only trained experts like those here at ProActive Pest Control know where to look and how to implement the preventative measures needed to keep these pests away. Not only can an inspection provide peace of mind that a seasoned pair of eyes have checked your home, but our pest solutions are proven at driving out infestations and making sure they don’t come back. It’s always cheaper and more effective in the long run to turn to professional pest services than spend on household methods that won’t work.
Rather than risk silverfish becoming a frequent problem in your Tracy home, turn to ProActive Pest Control for fast, effective, and local pest elimination.
