Does Do It Yourself Work On The Rodents In Mesa?

Large rat on top of large rocks.

Whether people are trying to save money or hoping to take a more eco-friendly approach, do-it-yourself rodent control alternatives are on the rise these days, and they may be doing more harm than good. Rodents are notoriously sneaky, and unless you have extensive pest control training, attempted pest removal could lead to many dangers and complications. Rodent control happens to be one of the many services that Pro Active Pest Control offers, but what could happen if you try to take on a solo mission in your Mesa home?

Most Common Rodents That Infest Mesa Homes

Rodents like mice and rats have been sharing space with humans for hundreds of years while inadvertently wreaking havoc on the human population as well. In Mesa, there are only four different species that homeowners need to worry about:

  • Deer Mice – roughly seven inches long including the tail, grayish-brown bodies with white underbellies and feet, with hairless tails
  • House Mice – between five to seven inches including the tail, light brown to dark gray with white underbellies and feet, with hairless tails
  • Pack Rats – between 10 to 18 inches including the tail, color varies between light gray, reddish-brown, dark brown, and black, with fur-covered tails
  • Roof Rats – between 13 to 18 inches, including the tail, patchy gray, brown, and black fur, with hairless tails

Despite their similar appearances, mice and rats don’t coexist very well, so if you have one species infesting your home then it’s highly unlikely you’ll have the other as well. Still, neither are easy to remove, and both will create a lot of damage trying to find safer accommodations. These pests can chew through all kinds of materials, including paper products, wood, drywall, rubber, plastics, electrical wires, and low-gauge metal sheets.

The Dangers Of Rodent Infestations, And Why DIY Isn’t The Best Solution

Aside from severe structural damage, rodents can cause a lot of health problems as well. Dried rodent urine and fecal matter can cause asthma attacks, allergy flares, and respiratory infections. They also carry a lot of dangerous pathogens and other pests that carry their own pathogens too:

  • Rat Bite Fever
  • Hantavirus
  • Salmonella
  • E. Coli
  • Dysentery
  • Tularemia
  • Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis
  • Leptospirosis
  • Plague
  • Fleas, ticks, and intestinal worms

The internet has many rodent control tips to offer, but that doesn’t necessarily make them effective. Two of the worst tips, and the least humane I might add, are sticky traps and poison bait. Sticky traps leave rodents to die in agony, and poison bait has a laundry list of complications: rodents could die in inaccessible areas of your home, they could exit the home and get eaten by predators, and the poison itself could get ingested by small children and pets. More humane methods include spring traps, spring trap boxes, and live traps, and while these can be effective to some extent, the likelihood that these methods will remove an entire infestation is extremely low.

Why You Should Trust Professionals With Rodent Control In Your Mesa Home

Rodents may look cute and unassuming, but they can create a severely dangerous environment for you and your loved ones, including structural damage that can cost thousands of dollars to repair. You don’t want to take chances on dangerous pests, you want effective pest control and long-lasting prevention. Luckily for you, Pro Active Pest Control can help with that.

Pro Active Pest Control is dedicated to protecting the health and safety of our customers, and that’s why we stay current on all the latest eco-friendly pest control methods. You shouldn’t have to choose between dangerous pests and dangerous chemicals, and with our Integrated Pest Management solutions and Green pest control products, dangerous chemicals aren’t even an option. So if you’re ready for complete rodent protection at an affordable price, get in contact with us today.
