Silverfish Control: A Helpful Guide For Queen Creek Homeowners

Four Silverfish crawling on paper near a book.

Silverfish are a fairly rare pest. They belong to a category of pests called “occasional invaders.” This name refers to the fact that these pests are not commonly found in homes and do not usually invade them on their own initiative or because of attraction to something in the home itself. Rather, occasional invaders will most often enter houses in response to changes to the climate or their environment, such as a sudden decrease in temperature or the loss of a primary food source.

This article will help you recognize silverfish, understand the potential damage they can do, and learn a few steps you can take to keep them out. For all your Queen Creek pest control needs, you can always rely on Pro Active Pest Control.

How To Identify A Silverfish 

You can find silverfish throughout the United States. They prefer the more humid areas of homes, like basements and attics. So how do you know if it’s a silverfish in your home? The most common giveaways are their general shape and color. Silverfish in Queen Creek have long, flattened bodies that are shaped somewhat like a carrot. Metallic scales cover them and usually give them a silvery appearance, though their color can tend toward brown. This appearance, along with their rapid, fish-like movements, is what gives them their name. They are usually about three-quarters of an inch long with six legs and two antennae. Silverfish also have three antennae-like appendages on the rear end of their bodies.

Since not many homeowners know about these occasional invaders, you may be wondering, “Can silverfish hurt me?” Let’s discuss the dangers these pests might present.  

Silverfish Can Damage Your Belongings

Fortunately, silverfish are not known to bite. They don’t spread any diseases or harmful pathogens. For the most part, they are harmless. The main danger of having silverfish in your home is that of property damage.

Silverfish can cause a substantial amount of damage to paper goods, as these seem to be one of their preferred sources of food. Books, cardboard boxes, wallpaper, and other similar materials are all common targets for silverfish. They are also known to eat glue, flour, oats, and items of clothing. Now that you know about some of the potential problems that a silverfish infestation could cause, let’s talk about how to keep silverfish away from your home. 

Ways To Prevent Silverfish Infestations In Your Home 

Silverfish will often enter a home in response to environmental factors rather than because that home attracted them specifically. However, there are still some things you can do to make your home less of a potential target. These tips should help reduce the chances that you’ll have to deal with silverfish in your home: 

  • Don’t store old books and other paper products in basements, garages, and attics.
  • Examine the exterior of your home for any cracks or gaps and seal them up.
  • Don’t let debris pile up near the outside of your house.
  • Reduce humidity in areas that are more likely to attract silverfish.

These steps will help you keep silverfish away from your belongings. You may still find yourself dealing with these pests at some point, however. 

How To Get Rid Of Silverfish And Keep Them Out 

If you need to get rid of silverfish for good, just call Pro Active Pest Control. Our technicians have the tools and expertise they need to handle a variety of pests, silverfish included.

You can count on us to provide efficient and thorough home pest control service at a fair price. Contact Pro Active Pest Control today!
