How Can I Get Rid Of A Flea Infestation In Lincoln

Small dog scratching itself in a green field on a sunny day.

Besides a few itchy bites, fleas can quickly turn into a full-blown infestation if not addressed promptly and effectively. Below, we'll learn how to identify flea infestations and potential health concerns and provide you with a step-by-step guide to flea control in Lincoln so you can eliminate them from your home.

How To Identify A Flea Infestation

The first step in combating a flea infestation is to identify it accurately. Fleas are small, reddish-brown insects that are adept at jumping large distances. If you notice your pet scratching excessively, small red bites on your skin, or tiny black specks on your pet's fur or furniture, it's time to investigate further.

Look for small, fast-moving insects and tiny black and brown specks or flea feces. Inspect your home for these specks in the areas your pets frequent, such as bedding, carpets, and furniture. Fleas can thrive in the smallest of spaces.

To confirm a flea problem on a pet, use a fine-toothed comb on your pet's fur, paying close attention to the base of the tail and the neck.

How Fleas In The Home Are A Health Hazard

Fleas can pose serious health risks to both humans and pets. Flea bites can cause allergic reactions, and their incessant scratching can lead to skin infections. In some cases, fleas can transmit diseases like typhus and tapeworms.

Pets, in particular, are vulnerable to flea-related health issues. Fleas can cause anemia in pets, especially in young or small animals. Certain pets may develop an allergy to flea saliva, leading to dermatitis and discomfort. It's key to handle flea control quickly to protect the well-being of your family and pets.

Why Fleas Won't Go Away Just Because You've Treated Your Pets

Many people make the mistake of assuming that treating their pets for fleas will automatically eradicate the infestation. While treating your pets is an essential step, more is needed. Fleas have a life cycle that includes eggs, larvae, pupae, and adults. The adult fleas you see on your pets represent only a small portion of the infestation.

Flea eggs can fall off your pets to the ground, developing into larvae and pupae. These stages of the flea life cycle can survive for weeks or even months in your home, waiting for the right conditions to hatch into adult fleas. To break the cycle, you should treat both your pets and your house simultaneously:

  • Thoroughly clean your home, focusing on areas frequented by your pets.
  • Wash your pet's bedding to eliminate potential flea eggs and larvae.
  • Treat your home with a vet-recommended flea treatment to target and eliminate fleas at various stages of life.
  • Vacuum your carpets often to remove any existing fleas, eggs, or larvae.
  • Regular vacuuming is beneficial for removing eggs and larvae but may not be sufficient for severe infestations.

The limitations of pet treatments alone can't combat persistent flea issues. Flea infestations in Lincoln require a proactive and comprehensive approach to ensure complete elimination. Professional flea control services from Pro Active Pest Control can assist.

Call The Pest Control Experts For Total Flea Elimination

When faced with a persistent infestation, don't hesitate to reach out to the professional flea removal service at Pro Active Pest Control for a swift and effective solution. Our technicians can tackle fleas at every stage of their life cycle. They can provide targeted treatments for your home and offer advice on preventing future infestations.

Don't let fleas take over—contact Pro Active Pest Control for a thorough and effective solution.
